主营产品: 天然水晶;天然水晶饰品及相关衍生工艺品;...
主营产品:cd bags;water bag;cooler bag;cushions;eye masks;tags;purses;wallet;bags;car organi小山皮饰厂(CMB)是系缝纫类产品的外贸生产型加工企业,主要以缝纫产品为主。目前拥有DY厚料缝纫机,压力裁断机,三针五线缝纫机,高、中、低速工业缝纫机、铲皮机、折边机等各种缝纫生产设备,目前产品包括(眼罩)(工具包,工具套)(票夹,d零钱包,真皮CD包)(坐垫,靠垫,枕套)(网眼袋,洗衣袋,沙滩杂物袋)(冰包,瓶套,杯套)(笔袋,文具袋)(行李牌,钥匙圈,挂件,挂牌)(车用品及汽车附件产品)...... 在过去的一年里我们与希腊、意大利、德国,美国、台湾、新西兰,日本、马来西亚、香港等国家和地区进行了OEM或ODM等多种方式的合作,产品已经远销世界各地。 小山企业是中国北大方正集团指定供应商。2002年,小山皮饰厂有幸成为国际知名企业迪斯尼DISNEY,史努比SNOOPY系列形象产品的授权指定生产商及ODM供应商,OEM挂牌产品远销日本,韩国及香港等东南亚国家和地区。我们工厂同时为RANDO,FORGE,FIXIT,丰田TOYOTA等多家企业提供OEM服务. 企业经营理念定单就是命令,质量就是工资。 【 Brife Introduction 】 Jinhua Xiaoshan Leather Finery Factory (CMB) is a chinese manufacturer of light industrial daily products and sewing goods including sleeping eye masks, sports water bags, hanging organizers, aprons, coin purses, CD cases, seat cushions, luggage tags, cooler bags, net bags, bottles, stationery bags and car accessories. Due to our wide assortment of light industrial and sewing equipment, we offer a large variety of products. Currently, we possess DY thick-fabric sewing machines, press-cutters, three-needle-five-thread sewing machines, high, middle and low speed industrial sewing machines, leather shavers, and folders. Accordingly, we are quite capable of handling your OEM and ODM orders. As a result of our continued superiority in quality and OEM/ODM service, we have exported our products to many international customers in Greece, Italy, Germany, the USA, Taiwan, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Furthermore, we boast such brand name OEM cooperatives as Disney and Snoopy (named authorized image supplier for both in 2002), Rando, China Beida Fonder, Forge, Fixit and Toyota. As a worldwide supplier of light industrial products and sewing goods, we are proud of becoming business partners with importers from around the world. Our quality products, competitive prices, fast delivery times and dedicated service make us the right choice for your future partnership.Please mail us for freely.....
地址: 中国浙江金华市
电话: 86-0579-2319598 3292019 3257709
传真: 86-0579-2301943
主营产品: 发夹;塑胶盒子;橡筋绳;毛巾圈;梳子镜子;水滴夹;手工饰品;发卷;...
主营产品: 丝绒花篮;礼仪花篮;吉庆花篮;孔雀花篮;寿桃花篮;景泰蓝;薄镜壁画;装饰品;环保烟套;...
主营产品: 圣诞服装;圣诞帽子,袜子,挂件;拉花,茜草;节日用品,;家庭饰品;狂欢节用品;贸易出口代理...
主营产品: 手镯;戒指;耳环;爪链;配件;腰链;皇冠;项链;手链;胸针;...
主营产品: 木制玩具;磁珠;玻璃工艺品;时尚首饰;文具;木制玩具;磁珠;拼图;时尚首饰;文具;...
主营产品: 铂金镶嵌;K金镶嵌;银饰品;金表;时尚饰品;宝玉石镶嵌;钻石金表;...
主营产品: 钻石;翡翠;水晶;各种925银饰;红蓝宝石;珍珠;各种头花、胸针;各种天然怪石;...
主营产品: 项链(吊坠);耳环;手链;皇冠;腰链;戒指;各种闪光件;树脂装饰品;钥匙扣等礼品;胸花;塑料制品;...
主营产品: 儿童早教机;打火机;开瓶器;钥匙扣;广告笔;玻璃杯;少女塑料首饰;纹身贴纸;儿童玩具;工艺品;...
主营产品: 橡胶制品;塑料制品;橡胶混炼胶;文具制笔配件;密封零件;耐热耐水圈阀;耐油耐压圈垫;工艺饰品;瓶盖(塞);硅胶指环手镯;...
主营产品: 仿皮扣;树脂头饰挂件;钮扣;树脂饰品配件;头饰;饰品;辅料;服装辅料;皮扣;发饰;挂件;盘扣;粘带扣;...
主营产品: 各种拉链拉头;织带;织唛商标;商标吊牌;钮扣;PVC滴塑标;五金饰品;PVC杯垫促销品;...
主营产品: U盘笔;MP3笔;金属笔;足球笔;数码笔;验钞笔;激光笔;碳纤维笔;录音笔;...
主营产品: 礼品;工艺品.饰品;...
主营产品: 光学眼镜\眼镜架;...