主营产品: 裱画卡纸;电脑切孔;环保充皮纸;相框内衬;画框内衬;...
主营产品:主营香薰;手工艺品包括彩玻制品;礼品来自大自然的植物芳香,本薰香采用纯天然植物精油和天然木粉精工制成。薰香通过燃烧,最大限度地将植物芳香精油散发弥漫在空气中,抒解精神压力,使心情更放松。使您置身于一种香气环绕的静谧氛围中,为您营造一个空气清新、轻松愉悦而又浪漫幽静的环境。具有杀菌、提神、净化空气等功效,可以极大地减少和消灭空气中的细菌病毒,增强人体的免疫力,促进人体细胞再生。是现代生活运用古代芳香养生的结晶。我公司已申请注册商标满堂香, 推出了薰香系列产品,有线香、塔香、树叶香、竹枝香、显字香、圈香。薰香微烟而且包装精美,是礼品赠送、芳香家居、办公场所的理想选择。满堂香系列薰香,有针对精品连锁店销售的高档、典雅包装设计,也有为大卖场和商品赠送品的精巧简易包装,亦可根据不同客商按照不同的要求,量身定做所需要的包装款式。我公司产品经闽厦技监(2003)第1985号审核,已获工业产品执行标准证书。公司在保证产品质量,遵守信誉,精诚合作的经营理念下,诚征全国各地经销商。希望我们共同努力,打造满堂香品牌,创造无限商机。Products introductionA nature gift comes from nature. Our New products made from wild plant essential oil. Its pure natural fragrance inspires and helps create a soothing atmosphere, and clear in mind and spirit, it refreshes air and eliminates virus furthest. Also beautifies skin and cares appearance. Then light smoke and exquisite packing to be appropriate for good present. In another word, in modern life preserve your health in ancient ways. We have apply for the registered trade mark, a series of mantang incense. we have showed the stick、cone、leaf、bamboo、circle incense products. And we have gained abundant managerial and manufacturing experiences from the business with different customers in recent years. Through the customer’s feed back information, we improve technology and package design gradually. And then cater to the taste of customers.. We have the elegant design for the chain store and the fancy design for the supermart, then we according to different request to design different package for your different customer. Our target is search market potential, reduce cost, we are ready to supply quality products to you at low priceWe hope we will set up a long and profitable business relationship in future and keep a name brand and create the unlimited commercial chance.
地址: 中国福建厦门
电话: 86-592-5806377
传真: 86-592-5806355
主营产品: 肠衣 毛线壁画 工艺品腰带 ...
主营产品: 铁线制品;铁皮制品;五金冲压;点焊;烤漆;粉体涂装;喷油;弹簧;灯饰制品;工艺烛台;铁线成型;金属工艺品;塑胶制品;电子制品;各式工艺品;不干胶制品;蜡烛及烛台;圣诞礼品;万圣节礼品;...
主营产品: 木工艺 制品;手袋木手挽;木器灯具;相框,画框,木盒;木吊牌,纽扣;木器配件;及各类精微木艺制品;木制玩具及配件;塑料五金制品;...
主营产品: 相框,各种木相框,行李架,托盘,儿童椅...
主营产品: 礼品;工艺品;玩具;文具;拼图;纸品;印刷品;香熏蜡烛;熏香及芳香产品;天然干花工艺品;家居装饰品;美容美发工具;EMJOI脱毛器系列;美容小电器;美甲产品;发廊家私;...
主营产品: 卡纸;mat board;水性光油;...
主营产品: 画布;颜料;木材;画框;油画;工艺品;工程浮雕;...
主营产品: 镜框;各类木制品;塑料制品;...
主营产品: 有机玻璃;PC;PVC;PS;压克力制品;...
主营产品: 树脂工艺品;日用礼品;塑料制品;...
主营产品: 工艺品打火机;金属像框;工艺打火机;促销打火机;防风打火机;打火机;广告打火机;烟缸;烟具;挂件打火机;金属相框;相框;像框;...
主营产品: 卡纸;背板;海菜粉;...
主营产品: 烛台;酒吧架;圣诞礼品架;果篮;餐具网架;...
主营产品: 树脂工艺品;...
主营产品: 木制帆船;海洋相框;漂流瓶;救生圈时钟;CD柜...