主营产品: 旅游包;旅游帽;工艺品;胸卡;围裙;...
主营产品:围巾;苏绣;绒绣珠绣上海是中国轻纺产业的传统基地,特别是中高档轻纺产品,一直以来引领国内技术与时尚的潮流。 上海蓓菲服饰有限公司秉承传统,汇聚国内顶尖工艺高手,凭借苏州开发区的高新技术生产基地,坚持“务实、诚信”的原则,立足“高档、高雅、高技术难度”的服饰产品,成功开发和生产的中高档真丝围巾、羊毛纯羊绒围巾及披肩,以及工艺讲究的手工刺绣、苏绣、钩花、串珠等产品,倍受国外客商青睐和赞赏。其业绩卓著,傲视同济。 公司承接世界各地客商有特殊要求指定加工的产品,包括刺绣、苏绣、绒绣、钩花、串珠等服饰的配套产品,半成品。 Shanghai is the traditional base of textile and other light industries in China. Especially in medium-high grade textile industries in China Shanghai boasts its leading position of textile technique and foreland of fashion trend.Carrying on a fine tradition and adhering to the principle of practice and sincerity, Shanghai BeiFei Garment Co., Ltd produces its fashion products featuring as top grade, elegance and high-tech. Based on high-tech manufacture zoom in Suzhu, 100km away from Shanghai in Jiangsu province, collecting a group distinguished of technologist with exquisite workmanship, BeiFei Garment Co.,Ltd succeed in developing and manufacturing medium-high grade silk scarf, wool and cashmere scarf and shawl, handwork embroidery, Su embroidery, crochet and string of beads. The products enjoy a great popularity both with domestic and oversea customers. Its outstanding achievement is respected in the circles. The business range of our company includes process semi-products and auxiliary products upon the requirements of customers, such as handwork embroidery, Su embroidery, crochet and string of beads.
地址: 中国上海上海
电话: 86-021-63581331 手机 13601905311#
传真: 86-021-63276266
主营产品: 帽子;T恤;...
主营产品: 自行车头盔;滑雪头盔;马术头盔;儿童头盔;滑板头盔;越野车头盔;头盔;...
主营产品: 广告帽;棒球帽;儿童帽;休闲帽;空顶帽;八角帽;时装帽;针织帽;七片帽;...
主营产品: 纸帽;厨师帽;防护用品;口罩;无纺布购物袋;无纺布床单;...
主营产品: 针织帽;布帽;披肩;围巾;手套;毛皮配件;手钩工艺品;...
主营产品: 手套;帽子;围巾;...
主营产品: 针织帽;手套;袜子;围巾;针织罗口;...
主营产品: 发卡;发饰;丝巾;首饰;太阳镜;发卡;发饰;丝巾;首饰;太阳镜;雨伞;...
主营产品: 帽子;拖鞋;围巾;手套;...
主营产品: 帽子;服饰配件;...
主营产品: 帽子围巾手套等服饰;笔盒相册等文具;毛巾围裙等家纺用品;工艺品;宠物用品;竹木制品;铸铁制品;不锈钢制品;箱包;塑料制品...
主营产品: 羊毛毡帽;羊毛毡帽胚;各类草帽;兔混毡帽...
主营产品: 羊绒;羊毛围巾;羊毛披肩;羊毛衫;毛毯;羊剪绒床垫;沙发垫;汽车靠垫;呢绒;羊毛面料帽子;...
主营产品: 湿法牛二层;湿法干贴牛二层;办公家具革;车套革;猪皮头层.二层;黄牛头层;水牛头层.二层;...
主营产品: 滑雪手套;围巾;毛巾;毯子;运动鞋;...