主营产品: 电池;电池配件;轴瓦;轴瓦材料;...
China CG Diesel parts
主营产品:diesel injection parts,head rotor,diesel nozzleAs one of the leading exporters of diesel injection parts in China, we ,China CG Diesel parts persist to the principle of "making trade services the forerunner of our business", we'll strive for high efficiency,passion,good faith to provide customers with high-quality products. Our main products are diesel nozzle,delivery valve,pencil nozzle,plunger,head rotor,repair kit,cam disk,feed pump,magnet valve,control shaft,turbo,commorail rail nozzle,rooler ring,cross,nozzle tester,test bench etc. We have over100 employees,Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching the counries from different contries.I believe our well-appreciated produtcts will make you and your clients satisfied.
地址: HuaLin Industry Development Area, Putian City, Fujian Province,China
电话: 594-2858580
传真: 594-2858580
主营产品: 联轴器;汽油机配件;摩配;汽油机;...
主营产品: 水龙头;煤气阀;阀门;汽摩配件等;...
主营产品: 挂锁;门锁;装饰五金产品;自行车锁类;汽车消声器...
主营产品: 离合器;...
主营产品: 同步带;多楔带;切割带;变速带;氯丁胶乳帘子线;汽车时规带;空调电机带;...
主营产品: 千斤顶;手摇窗机;换档机构;冲件;随车工具;及各类五金件;缝纫机配件;电动摇窗机;...
主营产品: 电源变换器;电源变压器;音频变压器;电源线;工艺微型水泵;工艺电子鱼箱;迷你汽车冰箱;雾化器;电源适配器...
主营产品: 汽车电动玻璃升降器;雨刮电机总成;座椅电机系列;暖风电机系列;玻璃升降器开关及线束;汽车空调离合器系列;汽车油箱浮子;...
主营产品: 摩托车曲轴系列;通用汽油机曲轴;空调轴;...
主营产品: 橡胶密封件;橡胶制品;注塑制品;骨架油封;O型密封圈;减震垫、圈;防尘罩;橡胶波纹管;各种异型橡胶件;聚氨脂制品;注塑制品;...
主营产品: 发电机组制造;发电机;柴油机;发电机组租赁;发电机组维修;...
主营产品: 氨纶丝;石油;易拉盖;进口大巴汽配;...
主营产品: 橡胶皮碗;密封制品;车胶轮;灯具密封垫;汽车配件;硅胶制品;电动工具橡胶;...
主营产品: 汽车排气歧管;汽车配件;不锈钢弯管;...
主营产品: 发电机组;汽车配件;船用配件;消声器;...